Hello, World!Apr 27, 2024

Hello, World!

Celebrating the launch of my blog and discussing whats next.


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Hello, world!

Ta-da, here's my new blog! I finally reached a point where I was satisfied with the final product. The entire thing was coded from scratch since I dislike templates.

I built this blog using NextJS, a React framework. I'm using it with markdown to generate static Pages. In other words, it's pretty fast.

Lighthouse report

Here are some noteworthy features:

  • Integration of a comment system powered by GitHub discussions (giscus)
  • Full MDX support for blog posts, offering flexibility and rich content like this one
  • Compatibility with clients that don't support JavaScript (except for giscus)
  • Callouts
  • Auto generated opengraph images
  • Dark mode ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Curious about the inner workings? You can peek under the hood over on GitHub!

So, what's on the horizon? Expect plenty of tech-related content here, with a particular focus on security. This might include write-ups on upcoming events and more. If time permits, I aim to share posts on a biweekly/monthly basis. Stay tuned โ€” I've got some exciting topics in the pipeline!